News & Events
Latest News & Events
Here you will find details about some of our latest news and events. If you have any questions about a upcoming event or would like to participate, then please feel free to get in touch with us.
Goodbye Sr. Alacoque
After over 38 years of service with Ballinasloe Social Services, both as a nurse, Director of Day Care, committee member and Chairperson, Sr. Alacoque has decided to take a break and step down from committee. We thank her for her dedicated and selfless service to the...
First Aid For The Elderly Demo
Frank Holly and his team in Haven Pharmacy, Marina Point, Ballinasloe organised a First Aid for the Elderly talk and demonstration in our Day Centre, which was provided by Rose Ward from the Irish Red Cross. Topics such as falls, burns, heart attacks, stroke and CPR...
Ballinasloe Social Services Wins People Of The Year Award
Ballinasloe Social Services was delighted to receive the Social, Community & Civic Pride Award at the Ballinasloe People of the Year Awards 2017 in the Shearwater Hotel. This category recognises voluntary groups or individuals who have made a special...
Cycling Club Fundraise For Social Services
Ballinasloe Cycling Club recently held its charity cycle for Ballinasloe Social Services. Approximately 170 cyclists took off on a wet Sunday morning, some taking part in the 50K cycle and more in the 100K cycle. Food stops were held in Athleague and...
Elaine Murphy & Teresa Coughlan Attend KHF Networking Event
Over the past 3 years, the Katherine Howard Foundation, under the Parenting Support Initiative, has provided financial support to our Childcare Facility to support parents of the under 3s in their parenting role. It has enable us to implement parenting courses and...
Enjoyable Trip To Knock
Our annual pilgrimage to Knock Shrine from the Day Centre took place recently. Over 50 people, comprising of service users, volunteers and staff made the journey by bus to the Co. Mayo shrine. Many thanks to Ballinasloe Lions Club for generously sponsoring...
Karen Breen & Guests Raise Funds For Social Services
Karen Breen & guests held a concert recently in Ballinasloe Library and raised funds for Ballinasloe Social Services and GSPCA. Her guests included members of the Social Services band, Frank Hession & Jim Troy, Sarah Corcoran, James Murphy, Marie Power and...
Ballinasloe Bridge Club Donate To Social Services
As a result of a recent fundraiser, Ballinasloe Bridge Club donated €750 to Ballinasloe Social Services recently. President of the Bridge Club, Pat Hughes, stated that the Club was delighted to present this considerable sum to Ballinasloe Social Services. Padraig...
Volunteer Appreciation
Our annual Volunteer Appreciation morning was held recently to honour and thank all our wonderful volunteers who give of their time freely to assist in our services. A get-together of all volunteers brings everyone together for a cuppa and a chat, which can be...
Pop-Up Boutique Fundraiser A Great Success
Our recent Pop-Up Boutique fundraiser event has been a great success, raising over €8,000 for the re-furbishment of our day centre rooms. We wish to thank everyone who supported us - those who donated new and nearly new clothes and accessories, those who lent us...
FORSA Donation
FORSA Trade Union has donated the sum of €400 to Ballinasloe Social Services. This amount will be put towards the purchase of new dining room chairs for our dedicated dining area, which is currently being developed.
Day Trip To Esker Monastery
Our Day Centre enjoyed a lovely day trip to Esker Monastery, Athenry recently. Over 50 service users, volunteers and staff made the trip to the Monastery, where we enjoyed a lovely, contemplative day. We enjoyed a beautiful dinner during the day and tea and fresh...
Goodbye to Regina!
We said goodbye to Regina in Meals on Wheels, who has been with us for over 23 years. Volunteers, past and present, gathered to say thank you to Regina for her service and her ever pleasant disposition. She will be missed. Siobhan was also thanked for her time with us.
Official Opening Of Dining Room And Prayer Room
We recently had the official opening of our new dining room and prayer room, in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting. The refurbishment of this area was made possible by the support of many groups and organisations. Galway County Council allocated a grant...
Cupán Tae Art Group Visit
Members of Cupán Tae Art Group visited our Day Centre recently to view the piece of art they painted and donated to us for our new dining room. They were delighted to view the piece in situ and observed how well it blended in with the colour scheme in the...
Donations And Support
Ballinasloe Social Services is a charity, registered with the Charity Regulator. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20025717. We are also registered with the Revenue Commissioners as a charity (CHY 10149).

Contact Us
Ballinasloe Social Services,
Co. Galway
H53 KC98