Legacy Gift
Leave A Legacy Gift
Ballinasloe Social Services is committed to improving the quality of life for elderly, physically disabled and people in need in Ballinasloe and the surrounding areas.
By assisting and promoting existing social services and identifying new areas of need in order to respond to them. Leaving a legacy of any size in your will to Ballinasloe Social Services ensures that we can continue this work.
As Ballinasloe Social Services is a registered charity, bequests are tax free on death so you are reducing the overall tax burden on your estate.

Legacy to Ballinasloe Social Services
If you have not yet drawn up a Will, simply contact a solicitor and state that you wish to make a will, which includes a legacy to Ballinasloe Social Services.
If you have already drawn up a Will, you may add a bequest by simply adding a codicil.
There are three types of bequests that you can choose from:
- Residuary legacy – this is a gift of the residue of your estate, after your family has been looked after and debts and taxes have been paid
- Pecuniary legacy – this is a gift of a fixed amount of money
- Specific legacy – this is a bequest for a particular item of property such as jewellery, shares or property
For more information, and a list of solicitors, click on www.mylegacy.ie
Donations And Support
Ballinasloe Social Services is a charity, registered with the Charity Regulator. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20025717. We are also registered with the Revenue Commissioners as a charity (CHY 10149).

Contact Us
Ballinasloe Social Services,
Co. Galway
H53 KC98