Our Volunteers
We depend on fundraising and donations for an important part of our income to ensure that our services continue to be provided to our clients.
Our volunteers are the backbone of the organisation and are involved in many of the services we provide. They give of their time and energy freely and we are deeply indebted to them.
They work in the following areas:
– Board
– Day Care Centre
– Meals on Wheels
Anyone interested can contact 090 9643217 for further details. All volunteers are Garda vetted.
Donations And Support
Ballinasloe Social Services is a charity, registered with the Charity Regulator. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20025717. We are also registered with the Revenue Commissioners as a charity (CHY 10149).
Contact Us
Ballinasloe Social Services,
Co. Galway
H53 KC98